Mirbeau Inn & Spa Plymouth

Reservations & General Information
To make an overnight or spa reservation: Call 877-MIRBEAU (877-647-2328), text 877-647-2328 or email reservations@mirbeau.com. In your email, please confirm you are booking our Plymouth, MA property, provide us with your phone number, and include the following reservations details: if you're looking to make an overnight and/or spa reservation as well as the preferred date(s) and/or time(s) of your reservation.
Click here to book a guest room online.
For dining reservations at The Bistro & Wine Bar: Call 508-209-2393
For general information: Call 508-209-2626 or email phfrontdesk@mirbeau.com
If your date is unavailable please call direct to inquire so that we may confirm availability or add you to our wait list.
35 Landmark Drive
Plymouth, MA 02360
Press & Media
For general media inquiries, please contact pr@mirbeau.com.
Groups & Weddings
To inquire about group and corporate events, please call Suzanne Miraglia at 508-591-4920 or email smiraglia@mirbeau.com.
To inquire about elopements and weddings, please call Deborah Barnes at 508-591-4954 or email dbarnes@mirbeau.com.
For questions or pricing on a specific event, please provide us your information.